You Will Spend 90% Of Your Life Indoors—The Air Inside Should Be Clean

4 Corners Home Owners Frustrated With Indoor Air Quality, Breathing Problems, Mold, Pollen, Allergens, And A General Lack of Peace-of-Mind About Unwanted Pests Have Turned To This New Technology.

Are you a homeowner who:

  • Is getting weird smells in places you can't put your finger on?
  • Seems like you're dusting all the time (or should be)?
  • Feels like one area in your home is always way colder or way hotter than the rest?
  • Is generally uncomfortable breathing while inside?

According to the US Department of Energy, 95% of homes have this one problem that's dirtying your indoor air quality.

You can smell the pollen in the air, sleeping is an issue, or even your kids seem restless at night.

Maybe you've tried getting an air purifier, but it doesn't seem to help much.

You dust, you clean, and you air things out, but nothing you do seems to make a difference.

This is going to sound extreme, but this is from Harvard and the EPA.

Poor indoor air quality can lead to Sick Building Syndrome, a chronic condition with symptoms ranging from headaches, eye, nose, and throat irritation, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea.

In addition to that level of discomfort, it can lead to reduced productivity and impaired learning.

We don't want that to happen to you or your family.

It was happening to Mary, until she found Aeroseal.

"My house is now my fortress and my refuge. They found a solution to a problem that several doctors couldn't solve."

What is she talking about?

Your Ducts Are Filthy, You're Breathing Filth, And It's Probably Affecting Everyone's Sleep

On Average, 40% Of Heating And Air Costs Never Make It To The Living Space—Because Ducts Leak

So Even If You Do Clean Them, The Dust And Filth Will Just Build Back Up—And You're Wasting Hundreds Of Dollars.

Nearly every home in the U.S., old and new, has dust buildup in their duct work.

Like this:

Aeroseal Dirty Ducts

Yuck, That's A Lot Of Build Up

You may not even know how much it's affecting air quality in your home until you FEEL the difference.

So different that you forgot what it was like when parts of your house were getting too hot while others were getting too cold.

So different that you're breathing through the night and waking up ultra-refreshed with clear sinuses.

So different that your next energy bill is 40% less.

BUT it's not just dust that's seeping in.

Have you ever walked past a part of your house, get a whiff of something foul as you stroll by, then double back to find the source only to be left wondering what that was?

Your ducts travel through some pretty yucky places like attics, crawlspaces, and interior walls, which supply leaky ducts with allergens, smelly odors, and moisture.

And sometimes those odors just waft into your living spaces uninvited. Rude.

90% of your life is spent indoors—breathing all that in.

The bottom line is that clean AND sealed ducts will keep the dust and pollen outside while preventing interior wall dirt from being blown into the house.

But sealing your ducts is a huge project, expensive, labor-intensive, and difficult to get consistent results with traditional methods.

Get Your Ducts Sealed From The Inside Once And For All

So You Can Breathe Freely Again, Live In Climate-Controlled Comfort, And Eliminate Costly Energy Bills

And Finally Get The Efficiency You Paid For Instead Of Buying A Bigger HVAC System

Aeroseal Logo

Introducing Aeroseal, A New Mist Sealing Technology That's Safe, Reduces Leaks By 95%, And Maximizes The Full Potential Of Your Current Heating & Air System

Aeroseal is an innovative technology that seals the cracks and holes in your air vent system from the inside, making your home healthy, safe and comfortable, enhancing the performance of your air conditioning and heating system while improving the environment and saving you money at the same time.

This "goo" is an eco-friendly polymer that's completely non-toxic and has no off-gassing.

It seals your ductwork up to 95%, so that there are less pathogens, allergens, and pollen entering your home.

What Home Owners Are Saying

The best part is that the house smells so much better now that the disgusting air is no longer being pushed out through disgusting coils/vents. Seriously—after they left and the A/C came on it was a night and day difference.
Alyssa P.
I’m breathing much easier and not waking up congested in the middle of the night. I would wholeheartedly recommend Aeroseal for your A/C and ductwork needs.
Melinda R.
My house is now my fortress and my refuge. They found a solution to a problem that several doctors couldn't solve.
Mary S

Aeroseal Duct Sealing Leads To Home Comfort And A Surprising Cure For A Persistent Health Problem

Fast, effective duct sealing helps solve a home renovation problem and turns a sales lead into another loyal customer

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Breathe So Well You Sleep Like You're Dead

So you can wake up in your own home feeling alive and refreshed.

You're probably wondering, "Okay, how does it work and how much does it cost?"

Good questions. Our service is $2,850, done in a few hours by our friendly, professional technicians. It doesn't include cleaning or repairing your ductwork if needed, but we can help with that too.

However, keep reading, because you'll want to know about this:

Because 40% of the air your furnace and/or air conditioner is treating doesn't even make it inside your home, sealing them means you could save up to 40% on your energy bills.

The average energy bill in the 4 Corners area is over $175, which means you could be saving up to $840 per year.

Starting in 2023, you can get up to a $1,200 tax credit, every year through 2032, simply for having your ductwork sealed if it meets the green energy requirements.

And our services always do—we'll give you the printed results to prove it.

Which means, in 2-years, not only can you can make up the cost, but you can actually gain up to $720 by claiming the tax credit for those 2 years (it's like the child tax credit).

And you can continue to claim up to $1,200 per year until 2032.

Who Is 4 Corners Aeroseal & Insulation?

We are home builders in the 4 Corners area who specialize in energy efficient homes. Our mission is to help home owners improve their ductwork and HVAC systems so they can breathe better in their homes, improve their comfort, and reduce their energy costs.

Mike Sutter

Mike Sutter of Sutter Homes Co. is a professional home builder and insulator who has built over 120 homes in La Plata County Colorado since 2002 and specializes in energy efficient homes.

Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman is a home builder, craftsman, and project manager who has managed hundreds of build projects for over 20 years with a focus on total customer satisfaction.

We discovered one of the biggest problems with home building was sealing the home (not just the ductwork), which has always been a difficult task in our efforts to build green, net-zero homes. However, once we discovered the Aeroseal technology, that all changed.

How It Works In 4 Simple Steps

Done In A Few Hours By Friendly, Professional Technicians So There's Minimal Inconvenience

Aeroseal Step 1
Free Inspection & Estimate

Call us and we'll send out a technician to inspect your ductwork, make recommendations, and provide a thorough, written proposal.

Aeroseal Step 2
Schedule Your Duct Cleaning

Schedule a day and a time that works for you, Monday-Friday.

Aeroseal Step 3
Aeroseal Service Performed

Our trained technicians setup equipment and perform the Aeroseal service, which lasts a few hours.

Aeroseal Step 4
See Results And Enjoy

After the service, you get a detailed, printed report that will show you the difference.

The magic happens with the combination of our smart technology and our simple and safe sealing formula.

Our computer-enabled smart technology evaluates the exact amount of leakage in the system and targets all of the cracks and leaks—even the ones you can’t see and can’t reach—so they can be filled with precision.

The sealing formula itself is safe, non-toxic and made of the same material that is found in chewing gum and (baby pacifiers). Equally importantly, our process is so precise that it only uses the amount of sealant that is necessary, with virtually no waste.

PLUS, Aeroseal doesn’t coat your whole air vent system, it focuses on just the cracks and leaks and fills them.

How Aeroseal Works

Watch This 44 Second Video To See How It Works

Real, Immediate Results

Guaranteed For 10 Years, Proven To Last 40.

2,600 Sq. Ft Home, 2002
31% System Leakage
Improved comfort, reduced dust
Check Icon
Rural, 2-Story Home
350 Cubic Ft./Min
25 Cubic Ft./Min
Improve comfort and air quality
Check Icon
New Home Construction
26% System Leakage
1.2% System Leakage
Exceed building code requirements
Check Icon

Receive Your Formal Certified Results Of Before And After System Performance

And Feel The Difference In Your Home Right Away

Aeroseal Results

What Home Owners Are Saying

I spent about 23 hours of my own time really getting at every nook and cranny sealing my duct work that I could by hand—with little effect. Then Aeroseal came in and it took less than a day to really fix the problem.
I’ve seen a noticeable improvement in my system’s performance in a few ways; less running time to heat home (despite it being consistently -10 degrees outside each day), and each room feels more evenly heated.
Jonathan M.

What Do You Get With Aeroseal?

Aeroseal Even Temperatures
Even Temperatures Throughout Your Home
Aeroseal allows the HVAC systems to properly heat and cool homes by delivering conditioned air where it is wanted, providing consistently even temperatures in every room of your home.
Aeroseal Feel The Difference
Feel The Difference Immediately
Sealing your ducts dramatically increases the amount of airflow coming out of your vents, ensuring maximum conditioned air from your system as it should be.
Aeroseal Get A Great Night’s Sleep
Get A Better Performing System
Another benefit of Aeroseal is by sealing your ducts you eliminate those stuffy upstairs rooms that are so uncomfortable in the warmer months because the conditioned air isn’t reaching them.
Aeroseal Saves On Energy Bills
Save Up To 40% On Your Energy Bills
See and feel in your wallet an annual savings of up to $850 per year on your heating and cooling bills
Aeroseal Improves HVAC Efficiency
Increase Your Heating & Cooling Efficiency
Sealing your ducts allows the maximum amount of air to be delivered to the rooms throughout your home as it should. This allows the home to reach your desired temperature much faster, making it much more efficient.
Aeroseal Improves HVAC Performance
Get A Better Performing System
Aerosealing your ducts will help get the most out of your system which equals more air from your vents providing greater home comfort and a longer system life.

Professional Technicians, Flexible Scheduling

Our Trained Professionals Are Here To Serve You With A Positive Attitude And Minimal Disruption

4 Corners Aeroseal & Insulation Specialist

We'll do our absolute best to fit your duct cleaning and sealing service around your schedule.

And if you have any comments please let us know.

4 Corners Aeroseal & Insulation Guarantee Seal

4 Corners Aeroseal & Insulation 10-Year Guarantee

If The Results We Show You Don't Last 10 Years, We'll Fix It At No Cost

AeroSeal Rebates

Get Up To A $1,200 Tax Credit Every Year Through 2032 Just For Sealing Your Ductwork

IRA Section 25c lets gives homeowners up to a $1,200 tax credit through 2032 when they receive the Aeroseal Duct service anytime after January 1, 2023. Ask us about the details.

Schedule Your Info Call

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can you fix my hot and cold rooms?

Yes! Sealing your vents and ducts means that air is delivered where it’s needed, and not into your basement, attic or crawl space. This also helps get rid of hot and cold spots in your house.

Will this help my house be less dusty?

Absolutely! Leaky ducts and vents pull in dust, mold and dander and then blow them into living rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens. Gross, right? Our system can reduce leaky areas by as much as 90%, making sure dirt isn’t circulated in your house.

How much can I save on my utility bill?

A lot! Independent government-sponsored studies have shown that sealing your ducts can save you up to $850 per year! Most homeowners save at least 20%, some save as much as 40% of their total bill. Exact energy savings are difficult to predict, since they depend on where you live, how old your house is, how up to date your system is, how many rooms you need to heat or cool, and how energy costs are calculated in your area.

What is the sealant material made of?

Primary component is Vinyl Acetate Polymer, used in water based paints, hair spray, baby pacifiers, and chewing gum.

Is your formula really safe for my family and my pets?

Without a doubt. Our formula is safe, non-toxic and water-soluble, made of the same material that is found in chewing gum and baby pacifiers. It is so safe, we’ve helped hospitals, surgery centers, schools and public buildings make sure their air is clean, healthy and comfortable – and saved them energy and money in the process.

How long does it take to dry?

Drying time is less than 2 hours.

Will my house smell?

There is a mild odor, like Elmer’s Glue, during sealing. Odor should dissipate by next morning (or before).

Should I leave my house during the service?

We prefer no one is in the house during sealing due to impact on productivity. If you are pregnant, senior, or infant, or utilizing medical equipment we do encourage you to leave as a simple safety precaution.

How big of a leak can your sealant cover?

Aeroseal is able to close most cracks and leaks in most air duct systems. Any large, major leaks—like broken, disconnected or damaged ducts—will need to be repaired prior to sealing. Most of the time, we uncover problems like this during our initial inspection. However, if we find this during our sealing process, we will stop our service and recommend a solution.

How long does this stuff last?

We guarantee our work for at least 10 years, and we’ve stress-tested it up to 40 years in homes. We expect your heating and cooling systems to work efficiently for as long as you own your home.

Where does the sealant leaking from the ducts go?

Sealant escaping from the ducts will settle in wall cavities, attics or crawl spaces. During the process, we will filter the air to capture any sealant entering the living areas.

Will it harm electronics?

We recommend sensitive electronics be covered.

What about my HVAC accessories? Will it harm them?

Technician is trained to protect all accessories prior to sealing. Some items, such as humidifiers or UV lights, may be removed then reinstalled to prevent damage; others may be bagged or covered.

Does my ductowork need to be cleaned first?

Sometimes, but not always. Any ducts that are extremely dirty should be cleaned first. We find this most often in older houses. Our technician will take a look at this during the initial inspection, and recommend a cleaning if needed.

If I have my ducts sealed, can they be cleaned in the future?

Yes. Ducts from all types of materials can be successfully cleaned after being sealed. Our formula dries into a very hard, very durable substance.

Will all the insides of my ductwork be coated with sealant?

No. Our formula doesn’t coat or line your ducts. The only sealant remaining after our technician is done will be over the leak that was sealed.

How does it work?

Duct sealing, utilizing the patented Aeroseal process, takes a non-toxic liquid sealant, heats and dries it to become an aerosol mist. The mist travels through a pressurized duct system and seals visible, invisible, and inaccessible leaks in the system. We guarantee it and it is certified.

How do I know if my ducts leak?

According to the Department of Energy 95% of homes in the U.S. have leaky ductwork and they leak between 25% and 40%. In simple terms, that means air is not getting to designed spaces causing hot/cold spots in the house, excessive dust, and high energy bills.

How much does it cost?

Pricing is based on square footage and other factors. See our Pricing Page for details.